Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world-Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

3rd or 5th Wheel...Which is Worse?

First off, I am so grateful that my, "coupled" friends invite me along on their outings. I always have a great time. But as I was looking at the pictures of our most recent outing - awesome Chickasha Festival of the Lights- I came across this picture.

The symmetry wasn't right in it. 2, 2, 1.  My poor Jill had to take pictures with her boyfriend, his parents, and then......there's me. Don't forget me. I need someone to take pictures with!!!  It was almost like, "hold that pose!!". Take out boyfriend, insert single friend. Now rinse and repeat.

The good news is, I will always have Jill. And her boyfriend Kyle does a pretty good job of including me. Even when the symmetry is off. :)  Thank you both for trying your best to not make me feel like a 3rd or 5th wheel.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Single Leprosy

Why is it that singles and couples can't do things together? Is the term, "three is a crowd" really true? Do you really need the fourth person to find balance? In today's society, it seems you do. Couples like doing things with other couples. You see couples going on dates with other couples, having other couples over dinner, taking trips, etc together. What happened to the single friend? Why are they singled out when it comes to these things?

As a single gal, it kind of leaves you a little hurt when friends you hung out with when you were a couple no longer include you anymore.  Now, you have single leprosy. Couple friends no longer want you around. Am I not as fun now that I am the only one? Or is it that three really is a crowd and four is where you find the balance?